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Conservation Fund Requests Needed 
By Rick Thaden of Pleasanton
NBA Central Board Member and Banquet Chairman 

Well apparently I didn't mess things up too badly and was re-elected as the Central Board Member. In this capacity I join Adam Stohs, the Eastern Board Member and Mike Albrecht, our Western Board Member. The three of us comprise the NBA Conservation Committee and we would like to remind any and all members that Conservation fund requests need to be sent to one or all three of us. As a group, the conservation committee goes through requests from other organi- zations asking the NBA for donations and decides where the NBA’s funds are donated each year. This committee will award funds annually at the NBA Banquet in March.

In the past, we have given to many worthwhile causes and would definitely like to continue helping out others that promote the lifestyle we all love. I am writing this early reminder to get your requests sent in to the Eastern, Central or Western Board Members. I know there are many worthwhile causes and groups out there that the NBA would be glad to help out, but we need to have a request before we can do it.

Conservation Fund Mission Statement:

It is the intent of the NBA to allocate Conservation Fund monies to promote the conservation of Nebraska Big Game animals, maintain habitat necessary to sustain a quality population, secure and protect bowhunter rights through education and by lobbying elected, hired and appointed officials at local, state and federal levels.

All funding requests must be made in writing no later than March 1, 2023. All documents including requests and award papers will be given to the members prior to announcement for review and recom- mendation. Request for funding will not be confidential and must contain the following information: name, organization, affiliates, address, e-mail, phone number, dates funds are requested, checks payable to, and a full explanation of project details and goals.

Criteria for eligibility and award:

• Does the project benefit big game ani- mals and/or their habitat?

• Does the project benefit bowhunting in general?

• Does the project benefit bowhunting in Nebraska?

• Does the project enhance the percep- tion of bowhunting to the general pub- lic and wildlife professionals?

• What percentage of NBA members would be positively affected if this request was awarded?

Submit your request by March 1 to:

Central Board Member: Rick Thaden, bowhunt4elk@hotmail.com

Western Board Member: Mike Albrecht, mikealbrecht68@hotmail.com

Eastern Board Member: Adam Stohs, adamstohs@gmail.com

Addresses can be found inside the front cover of the newsletter.

2023 NBA Awards Banquet

March 3-4, 2023 - Younes Conference Center South, Kearney, NE

This is a member's only event, please JOIN THE NBA online now or when you get to the Banquet.  You must purchase a Banquet ticket to attend the weekend events.

General Information


Banquet Guest Speaker




Bowhunter of the Year

Big Game Awards

Trade Show


Trophy Wall

Merchandise/ T-Shirt Contest

Photo Contest

Conservation Fund Requests

Member Success Slideshow

NBA Scholarship

Board Member Elections

Sponsors Needed

Questions or to Volunteer:  Rick Thaden, NBA Banquet Chairman, 308-293-3788, bowhunt4elk@hotmail.com

About us

In 1984, the idea of an organization that would bring bowhunters together with a common goal to preserve and protect bowhunting was formed and the Nebraska Bowhunters Association (NBA) was born. Now, the NBA is one of Nebraska's premier hunting organizations, with a growing membership, family friendly events, and a firm passion to continue to preserve and promote bowhunting in Nebraska. 

Become a member

Although bowhunting is often a private, quiet affair, members of the NBA benefit greatly from organizing together. Besides the political clout and united front against those opposed to hunting, the camaraderie is perhaps the best bargain for the money. NBA members meet across the state throughout the year at our Banquet in March and Jamboree in August. We would love to have you join us! 

Find us

©2023 Nebraska Bowhunters Association
501(c)(3) non-profit organization  nebraskabowhunters@gmail.com

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software