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The Good Life Bowhunter - Official Podcast of the NBA

Board approves change to membership dues

By Heather Hejl of Pleasant Dale, NBA Membership Chairman

At the June board meeting discussion was held concerning changes to the membership dues. Feedback from members has been overwhelming regarding the recent newsletters printed in full color.

In order to provide all newsletters in full color the cost of membership would need to increase. After much discussion the board voted and approved the following increases:

Household Membership - 1 year (formerly individual and family): $30 Household Membership - 3 year: $85
Household Membership - 5 year $140
No changes will be made for the following: Club, Business, and Lifetime. New membership fees will be effective July 1, 2022.

Note: Individual and Family members will be combined into one type of membership – Household. Effective August 1, 2022, if your membership is on the auto-renewal plan on our website, your price will automatically increase to $30 on your next renewal date. You can cancel your auto-renewal at any time by logging in to our website www.nebraskabowhunters.com. All members were sent an email detailing this change.

About us

In 1984, the idea of an organization that would bring bowhunters together with a common goal to preserve and protect bowhunting was formed and the Nebraska Bowhunters Association (NBA) was born. Now, the NBA is one of Nebraska's premier hunting organizations, with a growing membership, family friendly events, and a firm passion to continue to preserve and promote bowhunting in Nebraska. 

Become a member

Although bowhunting is often a private, quiet affair, members of the NBA benefit greatly from organizing together. Besides the political clout and united front against those opposed to hunting, the camaraderie is perhaps the best bargain for the money. NBA members meet across the state throughout the year at our Banquet in March and Jamboree in August. We would love to have you join us! 

Find us

©2023 Nebraska Bowhunters Association
501(c)(3) non-profit organization  nebraskabowhunters@gmail.com

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software