First Time Successful Bowhunters and NBA Big Game Trophies The 2023 NBA banquet is just around the corner. If you were successful in tagging a big game animal that met the NBA minimum score, the NBA would like to honor the animal and hunter at this year’s banquet. Also, if you were one to kill your first big game animal with a bow, the NBA would like to celebrate your milestone. Please send your information to the NBA even if you can’t make it to the banquet this year. I will make sure all certificates and plaques are mailed out to those not able to attend the banquet. I do need all this information to me by February 11, so I can get everything print- ed and plaques made by the banquet. If you need more information or have any questions, please contact me. My contact information is in the front of the newsletter. The minimum scores are listed in the back of the newsletter along with a list of official measurers across the state. Note the newly added categories for velvet deer, elk, big horn sheep, and mountain lion. The NBA follows all Pope & Young Club scoring rules for measuring. If by chance you harvested your trophy late in the year and the 60-day drying period is going to be hard to meet for you to get your final score to me, give me a call and we’ll work something out. And don’t for- get about TURKEYS. They are consid- ered big game in the NBA. You do not need to be an NBA member to receive a certificate and have your trophy listed in the NBA record book, but being an NBA member is highly encouraged. The NBA also recognizes the largest big game ani- mal in each category taken by an NBA member with a Big Game Award plaque each year. For this award, you have to be a member at the time of kill. Again, I would like all score forms to me by February 11, 2023, so I have time to get the awards done, the earlier the better. The NBA would also like to recog- nize all those who were fortunate to tag an out of state P&Y animal. All I need is a copy of the score form signed by an official measurer. You can mail it to me, or send by email - either will work. Any questions please give me and call or email me. For those first time successful bowhunters, what I need is a success picture and a very brief story of your hunt. Make sure you include when, where, and with whom in your story. Young or old, male or female, all bowhunters reaching this milestone need to be recognized. You can send me this information by mail or email. If possible I do prefer email. The information and pictures are easier to work with through email. If you know someone that reached this milestone, make sure they get it turned in or you send it in for them. This is a first time ever bowhunting success, not a first deer, and a first turkey, etc. award. I need these by February 11th also, so I can have the plaques made. Again, any questions give me a call or email. NBA Records Chairman | 2023 NBA Awards Banquet March 3-4, 2023 - Younes Conference Center South, Kearney, NE This is a member's only event, please JOIN THE NBA online now or when you get to the Banquet. You must purchase a Banquet ticket to attend the weekend events. Questions or to Volunteer: Rick Thaden, NBA Banquet Chairman, 308-293-3788, |